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What does martial arts have to do with business
Martial arts can help you face your daily challenges
Our coaching addresses teams and individuals who are seeking for more balance and better performance in business and life. Originally created out of necessity, to defend, fight and survive, today martial arts are more relevant than ever: teachings, principles and philosophy of martial arts can be effectively applied to face daily challenges. It is no wonder, that the old masters of martial arts or the popular Shaolin monks with the iron will and mental strength are often considered as spiritual guides and role models for life. They know how to combine their body and mind in the best way to successfully adapt to challenges. These great masters of martial arts often impress with their natural authority and the deep respect and owe they arouse and that they show to others in return. They are competent, they are inspiring, they are composed, they train with perseverance and they are ready for action at any time.
Martial arts teach us to bring the inner strength outside, to build stability in silence, to be in the moment, to awaken unknown areas of perception in order to create a connection with everyday life.
In ancient times, likewise today, regardless of title or rank, specialists and managers can find inspiration in the martial arts and draw strength from it.
Awaken inner resources and develop full potential
With no claim to completeness and with different approaches, we support people who want to start with themselves and who want coaching and advice in order to unlock dormant potential.
No theory, no one-fits-all- recipe, no «7 key to lasting success», but rather pragmatically we use exercises and situations from martial arts to create lasting impressions and “aha experiences” which stick to the mind and trigger changes in posture and behavior.
Action, interaction and experience set new impulses in motion; the real dojang (training room) is then the one each individual build inside.
The essence of martial arts ultimately lies in what is deeply hidden in each of us.