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Team development: This is how a boss-team-coaching could work
Out of the office to a very special Team Event
A manager and his team, with the goal of strengthening team spirit, their bond and the interaction after the extended period of remote work.
There they are, 10 participants: all of them are skeptical. What is happening today? Written in their face is curiosity but at the same time embarrassment floats in the air as they stand in front of the entrance.
The team gets changed in their casual sportswear instead of the usual suit. It is difficult to show yourself to colleagues in a different way; it takes a little courage and self-confidence if the status gap is suddenly different than at work.
We’ll talk about that later. But first everyone has to open up to get the most out of the day, to cope with the new and unfamiliar.
The ritual demands that we wash our feet before entering the dojo (training area), as we practice barefoot. There is quite a lot of giggling ….. embarrassment, eyes full of question marks look around the room, the participants observe each other in this unfamiliar sorrounding.
What did the boss come up with this time? Couldn’t we have got together around a table at the beer garden, as always?
Before entering the room, we bow, we gather, and we bow again when we acknowledge each other’s presence. The training begins and ends with this greeting.
And we start warming up: there is no more time to speculate or make assumptions. We dive in straight away.
In this phase, the movements and stretching serve to loosen up the body and open the mind. Only then, each and everyone really arrives and focuses in the here and now. Energy and power build up quickly and a new group dynamic emerges, it’s fun.
We go through a series of exercises, mostly practiced in pairs.
The different techniques and the partners alternate in the processes of attacks and defense in a continuous role reversal.
We reflect in-between and situations are transferred to the professional context. It is becoming increasingly clear where the Budo method applies to everyday life and how it can serve as an anchor.
Respect comes first
Following a quick round of introductions – we get to the first topic and talk about respect, courtesy being one of the core values of Taekwondo.
Respect is to be understood as a core value to apply towards others, colleagues, customers, or exercise partners but above all towards yourself.
Because self-defense doesn’t just mean defending yourself against an opponent. First and foremost, it means consciously choosing against bad attitudes (yours and others), unfair behaviors, bad habits, toxic environments, apathy, or self-pity.
We move on and analyse postures, how we stand and act
By observing body language, we can read strengths and weaknesses in others, their level of vitality and also sense their emotions.
We practice stability. The feet are grounded on the floor: the body weight is optimally distributed on the floor, the breath is controlled, the body balance and resistance is guaranteed.
This gives a greater sense of security, as the stability of the body manifests itself in the mind.
How does my counterpart move in a combat simulation? How can I react or counter?
We talk about distance and closeness
For each of us there are spaces in which we move freely and feel safe. These spaces increase or decrease depending on the familiarity or emotional connection we have with the person sharing that space.
They are our boundaries. The distances perceived as acceptable by a person vary and each one has a different perception, depending on their emotional connection with one another; cultural factors also play a role. Each individual has its own felt boundaries.
The contact and closeness to the opponent that occurs in the martial arts,
enables to recognize patterns and apply a more appropriate behavior in interpersonal relationships, especially during a confrontation.
We define our vision
The practiced free fighting becomes like a brainstorming in a strategy meeting – how do we best deal with a certain situation? The one with the best strategy will win over the competition. And that with fairness, respect, courtesy and integrity.
We focus on strategy and goals
The idea is born, the goals are set – how do you get there?
Further team exercises to train discipline and willpower – sharing the same vision sharing the same direction and sense of purpose.
We also talk about stress, the interpersonal challenges, disagreements with colleagues, pressure, overload and expectations.
In order to react appropriately to critical situations, it is important to develop self-control, clarity in your head, quick reactions, determination, but also the ability to make the right decision at the right moment.
We reach a flow state
We practice reaching the flow state with motion sequences which
help concentration. These are forms of meditation in motion that relax and calm the mind. As the movement strengthens the body, the head is concentrated, and the practitioner is completely immersed and within him/herself.
Through focus and concentration everyone can perform at their best, for themselves and for others. Each and every contribution counts for team success.
More physical exercises – we go to the limit; we cross the limit. When the body no longer wants, the head is there. It works! It is also becoming increasingly clear that there is no growth without a challenge!
We breath consciously and discover the power of our voice
The first expression of “being in the world” is often neglected, sometimes even blocked, especially in stressful or fearful situations.
In martial arts it is crucial because it goes with the movement and, together with the voice, the main expression of the breath itself, boosts momentum, energy, concentration and relaxation.
Breath control, exhaling at the right moment, helps concentrating strength on the target point without hesitation.
No incense sticks, no silent sitting meditation, no positive affirmations. It was different: and the day is almost over – we have been pushed, we sweat and shine.
Wisdom and understanding came through experience, through overcoming prejudices and unfounded fears – up to the very final exercise, that makes everything clear: the very moment when everyone realises that they have gone a little further. As a person and as a team member.
We are happy to work together as a team
A day full of experiences that will be remembered for a long time.
Only now – when the body is exhausted, the head can relax. We made it, we got to know each other better, we strengthened our community, we consolidated our vision clearly and we gained knowledge about ourselves – no sense of shame like in the morning, just happy smiles.
Getting changed again, suit and shoes like usual, back in the role; however, the body feeling is different now. Energy and desire to move on together as a strong team are also in it.
Get in touch for more information; tell us about the topics you want to address in your team and we will design an individual program for you Contact