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Sakura – a greeting to the spring of life

6 simple steps to more mental freedom


Sakura, the Japanese cherry blossom, is a symbol of renewal, vitality and beauty.

Spring in Japan corresponds to Hanami (Cherry-Blossom Viewing), a millennial festival that goes from around the end of March when the blossoms appear first in Kyushu and spread northward as the weather warms, reaching Tokyo in early April and Hokkaido in mid-May.

People flock to experience and admire the cherry blossom. The Hanami means much more than stunning at the amazing beauty of this show of nature. The sakura flower blooms and fades just in a few days: it reminds us how quickly life passes by, but also how important it is to savor every moment. The sakura is a symbol of our fragility and, at the same time, of rebirth, of the renewal that spring will bring into life.

Spring is the perfect time to let go of old, things or habits, and create space for new. Even more so in this diabolical Corona year. Do you feel the same? To-dos and chaos seem to have taken control of my desk. Like the hard drive of my computer, the mind is crying out for more space. So, time to start decluttering:

Here are 6 simple steps to more mental freedom


# 1 Create space


Go through drawers, desk and inbox and throw out everything that is no longer useful. Simplify. Bring out a clean slate and allow new ideas and fresh thoughts to form instead.


# 2 Prioritize/ re-prioritize


Create a To-do list with your action plan: Which things are most important for your goals? What has to be done and when? Revisit and change it along the path.

A daily to-do list is also helpful. Tick off one task at a time. Multitasking is not for everyone and should be avoided anyway: constant juggling between tasks affects the attention span, increases stress levels and creates additional clutter. When you have scratched your daily tasks off the list, your head will feel a lot lighter.


# 3 Letting go, mentally declutter


Disappointments and anger sometimes sit deep within us. It takes practice to learn how to better cope with negative emotions. Sounds a bit cheesy, but tolerance and appreciation towards yourself and others works wonders. Eliminating unnecessary thoughts, fears and worries also helps to strengthen self-confidence ( and to free up mental space with positive intentions.


# 4 Be determined


Too many outstanding decisions can be overwhelming. Constant procrastination becomes a burden. Unfortunately, many of us tend to overthink even little things. «Detto e fatto (said and done) », my mother always said after completing a task, no matter how small or meaningless. It works: Do, tick-off, move on. No procrastination: Things happen when your will to accomplish them outsmarts your fear to face them.


# 5 Reduce media consumption


We spend hours online: This abundance of information clouds the mind, can even trigger stress or fear, we all have understood that by now. We don’t have to follow and listen to every nonsense. In my clean-up campaign, I unsubscribed from many newsletters and from information channels that only distracted or spammed me. I have also changed the cookie settings consistently; I do not want to be the target of any advertising «tailored» to my target group – I prefer to choose myself what and when I read. My conclusion: be picky and get good quality food for thought.


# 6 Schedule time to relax, always


60,000 thoughts occupy people every day: three percent of them only are positive. Detox for the brain means allowing regular breaks: The mind needs time to rest and recharge. So, switch off and do something every day that makes you happy. Do not go just for a simple distraction, but choose an activity that you love, where you sink into. Flow is what you want to reach: That state of mind when you forget everything all around.

I reach my flow when I move. In training, I find peace, balance, focus, energy and, above all, mental space. Like medicine offering immediate relief, training clears the clutter and energy flows.

Do you want to try? Get in touch for more information.


Sakura time is a good time to identify and finally get rid of mental junk! We are happy to support you in this: Budo, in the diversity of its disciplines, is a strong instrument to connect body and mind so that your head can calm down in the flow.


Get in touch for more information
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